Price: US$29.99 download
17MB download file use green button, above; 526 pages (Apple Books default)
Also available as a print-on-demand book from Amazon for US$29.95; 260 black and white only pages
This book tackles the one major problem that I had when I first started using Sony's top full frame camera, the A1: how the heck do I get it configured to work the way I want it to work?
Thus, you'll find that this isn't a do-all, tell-all, expose-all tome like my other books have been. Nope, this book is a get-out-your-camera and read along to get the Sony A1 camera set exactly right for your photography. I tackle this in some clear steps:
- Fix some defaults
- Make all your one-time settings
- Customize the camera controls
- Settle into your basic shooting options (look, focus, and more)
- Get hooked up to your mobile device
- Save your settings for later convenient retrieval
Along the way I deal with things like how Sony's organized the menu system and how to navigate it faster, what the slot options actually do, how to set up back button focus (and some supporting focus button options. as well as picking your initial preferred Focus Area modes), how to get near perfect raw image exposures, and yes, I explain the rather opaque Memory Recall function in a way that will have you using it (and able to restore it) if you accidentally reset the camera.
Because this book takes a far simpler approach than my Complete Guides, I'm able to use the ePub format to publish it as a download, which makes it perfect for any reader device, big or small. It's been optimized for Apple Books (macOS, iOS, and iPadOS), but it works with other e-readers, as well.
What do readers think of the book?
- "Having your eBook to guide me step by step in the set-up process has been invaluable. Your book is clear and easily followed. It has saved me a lot of time and headache." — SA
526 pages (Apple Books default settings)
Current version 1.01
- ePub format (usable on iOS and Android devices, desktop readers). The downloadable product is only available from this Web site. Download revisions are only sent to valid purchasers who acknowledged the License Agreement at purchase. Please don't support or encourage piracy and illegal copying.
- Printed version (paperback available from Amazon print-on-demand) is only available from Amazon. Please note that while the illustrations in the book are in color in the downloadable version, they are in black and white in the printed version in order to keep the cost reasonable. This mostly applies to the description and illustration of Creative Looks.