GF 55mm f/1.7 R WR Lens Specification

bythom fujifilm 55mm
  • Mount: Fujifilm GF lens format (.79x crop) 
  • Build: 
    • Dust and splash proof
    • Sealed at nine locations
    • Usable at temperatures down to 14°F (-10°C)
  • Angle of View
    • 52.9° diagonal
    • equivalent to 44mm full frame
  • Optical Design:
    • 14 elements in 10 groups
    • 2 aspherical, 2 ED elements
  • Aperture:
    • apertures from f/1.7 to f/22
    • aperture ring
    • 11-blade rounded diaphragm
  • Stabilization: no IS
  • Focus:
    • Autofocus
    • Internal focus
    • 20” (0.5m) minimum focus
    • 1:5.9 maximum magnification
    • No distance scale or DOF markings
  • Filters: 77mm filter size
  • Size and Weight:
    • 3.9" (99.3) long
    • 3.7” (94.7mm) diameter
    • 27.5 ounces (780g)
  • Other: lens hood included
  • Price: US$2300, includes wrapping cloth
  • Announced: September 12, 2023

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