Olympus M.Zuiko 17mm f/2.8

  • m4/3 lens format 
  • 6 elements in 4 groups; 1 aspherical element
  • 65 degree angle of view
  • apertures from f/2.8 to f/22, 5-blade rounded diaphragm
  • no image stabilization
  • 9" (0.2m) minimum focus, autofocus, manual focus ring, internal focus; 1:4.5 maximum magnification
  • 37mm filter size, no hood included
  • 2.2" x 0.9" (57 x 22mm) long and diameter
  • 2.5 ounces (71g)
  • available in silver and black
  • US$300 suggested retail price

Thom's Mini Review: Essentially a 35mm equivalent, this lens has a mediocre maximum aperture, and that's one of the things that makes me argue against it. The kit lens is only about a half stop slower than this lens at the equivalent focal length. What the m4/3 bodies need more of is faster lenses, to compensate for the small sensor in low light. Optically, this is a decent lens, though not a great one, but it really doesn't raise the bar much in any area over the kit lens: aperture, optics, focusing. All you get is a smaller, less flexible lens over the kit lens, and it doesn't really seem like that's worth the money, especially considering the not-really-wide, not-really-normal focal length. Good build quality. Does not come with hood. Not Recommended (get the Panasonic 20mm instead, or the newer 17mm f/1.8)

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