Yearly Site Cleanup

I've just finished my yearly site maintenance for, including a fair bit of site cleanup. Here are a few of the main tasks I did this year:

  • Removed the sidebar from all pages. This will clean up some responsive Web site issues for mobile users.
  • Since search was in the sidebar, a search form was added to the home page (near top).
  • Updated a few articles and tables where needed (still a couple that will get a future update).
  • Added "buy the book" buttons on reviews, data pages for cameras on which I have a book.
  • Made a pass at updating camera and lens information, though this is still incomplete and always ongoing.

Because I removed the sidebar, that removed the B&H presence on each page. To compensate for that, I've added a B&H banner ad at the bottom of each page. I really do appreciate you using that (or the other B&H links on data pages) to start any shopping you do at B&H, as it helps support this Web site. I'm trying to keep site clutter to a minimum, but if this B&H ad move changes this site's buying traffic to B&H I might have to re-consider. 

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